one can choose simply to live in the mystery




Luis Bunuel

All my life I've been harassed by questions: Why is something this way and not another? How do you account for that? This rage to understand, to fill in the blanks, only makes life more banal. If we could only find the courage to leave our destiny to chance, to accept the fundamental mystery of our lives, then we might be closer to the sort of happiness that comes with innocence.

Fortunately, somewhere between chance and mystery lies imagination, the only thing that protects our freedom, despite the fact that people keep trying to reduce it or kill it off altogether. I suppose that's why Christianity invented the notion of intentional sin. When I was younger, my so-called conscience forbade me to entertain certain images -- like fratricide, for instance, or incest. I'd tell myself these were hideous ideas and push them out of my mind. But when I reached the age of sixty, I finally understood the perfect innocence of the imagination. It took that long for me to admit that whatever entered my head was my business and mine alone. The concepts of sin or evil simply didn't apply; I was free to let my imagination go wherever it chose, even if it produced bloody images and hopelessly decadent ideas. When I realized that, I suddenly accepted everything. "Fine," I used to say to myself. "So I sleep with my mother. So what?" Even now, whenever I say that, the notions of sin and incest vanish beneath the great wave of my indifference.

Luis Buñuel (via)

Words should only be used when we need to delve deeper into the heart of things




Robert Bresson
Words should say everything an image can't. Before having characters speak, we should examine everything they could express, with their eyes, above all with body language, certain kinds of interaction, certain ways of behaving. Words should only be used when we need to delve deeper into the heart of things. In short, ideas must be expressed on film using appropriate images and sounds, and dialogue should only be used as a last resort.
Robert Bresson

my heart beats faster as time slows







2 comentários

a criatura que mantém este blog é estúpida o suficiente para começar a enfardar comida por não conseguir decifrar se está com fome ou com cólicas.

Does the cosmic space, we dissolve into, taste of us then?



1 comentário

For our part, when we feel, we evaporate; ah, we
breathe ourselves out and away; with each new heartfire
we give off a fainter scent. True, someone may tell us:
you're in my blood, this room, Spring itself
is filled with you... To what end? He can't hold us,
we vanish within him and around him.

The Second Elegy, Duino Elegies, Rainer Maria Rilke

nos tempos livres




Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison a domir a sesta (via)

i prefer drawing to talking




by Alexandra Levausseur

Protective Gear
Hunting Season Summer Games II

sometimes I creep the shit out of me



3 comentários

ontem, perto da meia-noite, a contemplar o céu estrelado, dou por mim a olhar fixamente para o astro que aparenta brilhar com maior intensidade e começam-me a surgir imagens do filme Melancholia, enquanto a minha mente divaga sobre como seria se naquele preciso momento aquele pontinho luminoso começasse a crescer a olhos vistos, movendo-se em direcção à Terra.

no dia seguinte, Meteoro na Rússia causa 514 feridos.

I then began again to think about the bottom nature in people




I began to get enormously interested in hearing how everybody said the same thing over and over again with infinite variations but over and over again until finally if you listened with great intensity you could hear it rise and fall and tell all that that there was inside them, not so much by the actual words they said or the thoughts they had but the movement of their thoughts and words endlessly the same and endlessly different.

Selected Writings Of Gertrude Stein

These are vengeful or resentful people.




It is not as if they were undergoing the effects of their past, but as if they could not be done with the current and present wound they cannot keep themselves from scratching over and over again.

The Fold, Gilles Deleuze

Isolation can put a gun in your hand




it can put a gun in your hand
it can put a gun in your hand

a ouvir From the Sun do novo álbum dos Unknown Mortal Orchestra

I Don’t Want To Be Loved. I Just Want To Be Untangled.




Screw falling in love. My heart itself is already in tangles. A web of nonsense
and a drawerful of necklace chains that I will never
have the patience to separate. I am sounds mixed with
different mediums of light. Six thousand eight hundred
dialects of flesh that I don’t have enough time to
translate into words. This dictionary of skin is unreadable and
Latin is dead because of what we never had the balls to
tell each other.
I am swearing off of love because everything inside of me
is oil and vinegar and I no longer believe that it’s morally correct
to fall in love with the intent of both destroying and rebuilding
another human being. I am a forest fire and an ocean, and
my favorite color is the same as the color that hurts me the most.

I don’t want your sentimentality. Quit looking at me intending
to melt me. We all know it’s working. We all know what this heart
is capable of unfolding.

I am not as strong as my words pretend to be. Not
as quiet as these caesuras promise. This heart is a patchwork quilt of people
that leave different shades of blue inside of me.

The drowning. Your skies.
The outline of a blue jay on a porcelain plate.

For now, I am closing off these bones for someone who will know
how to trace me without me ever telling them what I look like naked.

I no longer want to seduce the words out of people just to see
if I can. The love that I’m looking for falls out of the realm of your lips
and my lips and our lips doing a dance that involves bodies and more skin
and your hair touching mine, gently, like two winds

Screw falling in love.

It’s too much to handle when
I’m already having difficulties breathing and keeping track of my
heartbeats and making sure that my limbs are doing what
they need to be doing.

men are so beautiful.

But this heart is so

I am every vulnerability that the thesaurus has to
offer me and in a certain light it’s impossible for me not to pull you
towards me with the intent of kissing the very life
out of you.

What I’m trying to say is that you are not allowed in.
What I’m trying to say is that all I want is to open myself up and have you
rearrange me, untangle the gold chains of my heart, love me for
every shade of blue that I have hidden in the silent spaces
between parentheses.

I have sworn off of falling in love,

but I know that in the morning,
outside, in the pale frost of February,

all I’ll want is to hold another person’s hand, warm and
gloved, in their coat’s pocket.

I Don’t Want To Be Loved. I Just Want To Be UntangledShinji Moo

time out



when the desire to remain by yourself is so powerful that you'd prefer to blow your brains out than exchange a word with someone.

the real pettiness of so many of our great minds




Henri-Frédéric Amiel
At the bottom of the modern man there is always a great thirst for self-forgetfulness, self-distraction; he has a secret horror of all which makes him feel his own littleness; the eternal, the infinite, perfection, therefore scare and terrify him. He wishes to approve himself, to admire and congratulate himself; and therefore he turns away from all those problems and abysses which might recall to him his own nothingness. This is what makes the real pettiness of so many of our great minds, and accounts for the lack of personal dignity among us – civilized parrots that we are – as compared with the Arab of the desert; or explains the growing frivolity of our masses, more and more educated, no doubt, but also more and more superficial in all their conceptions of happiness.

from Amiel's Journal by Henri-Frédéric Amiel

I Will Wade Out




i will wade out
                          till my thighs are steeped in burning flowers
I will take the sun in my mouth
and leap into the ripe air
                                                      with closed eyes
to dash against darkness
                                           in the sleeping curves of my body
Shall enter fingers of smooth mastery
with chasteness of sea-girls
                                                Will i complete the mystery
                                                of my flesh
I will rise
                After a thousand years
              And set my teeth in the silver of the moon

by E. E. Cummings

Events can creep up on you without you even noticing.




in 2046





triggered by the death of Dutch graphic designer Arjan Groot, who died aged 39 on 16th July 2011 from cancer (...) the film's story centers on the idea that in the grand scheme of the universe, nothing is ever wasted and it finds comfort in us all essentially being Stardust ourselves.